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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Girls Weekend!

Hello again,
Last weekend Jane and I enjoyed a brief respite from the grind and visited with friends. I was great just getting away for a few days, hanging out, playing board games, embibing some beverages,  staying up late watching reality tv and "The Spice Girls Movie", which I've never seen and let me tell you it was totally crazy but surprisingly not totally crappy. Oh the 90's.
Before we left for the weekend we visited with one of my very best friends, who is due very soon with her first baby, and went on a mini adventure.

We visited baby Gavin's nursery. I got this adorable name train for him at work. I knew 9 months ago he was getting this:) It looks great in the room:)

We, all three of us, love our kitties:)

Keep Calm & Carry On

Okay the rest of the pictures are from our girls weekend trip. There is an overall theme of animal decor. I'm not hating but it is entertaining and worth sharing. Love you girl! Seriously!

Jane! Watch out! This reminded me of "The Neverending Story." That wolf freaked me out when I was little and the threat of putting on the VHS made my little brother cry because of that scary wolf with his evil red eyes. Yikes.
Lights, Camera, Howl

Duck themed room

Jane enjoying some drinkage. Look at those pretty bubbles.

Jane posing with a friend. She thinks that birthday cake ball looks supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Meow. Woof. What sound does a racoon make? This one was pretty quiet. Gotta focus on those yoga moves.
On the way to Chateau Elan

Checking out the gift shop

Touring the vineyards

A little white...

and a little red.

Shopping for jewels

Winding the night down with a fun game of Dicecapades. Plus some vino.
Well I must head to bed. Leaving super early in the morning for another adventure. We're heading to Virginia to see Williamsburg, Richmond, Charlottesville, and Monticello. Plus some winery tours. I cannot wait! As a long time history student I've been wanting to visit Williamsburg for a very years and I'm finally going!! I'm not looking forward to the 9 hour drive...but here's hoping it'll be easy and adventure worthy. I'll post again soon to tell you all about it. Maybe even while I'm there, we'll see.
Pumpkin cat is hinting it's time for bed.

Have a bright day and I'll be in touch soon!
b girl

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Turning Tables

Jane and I (and Bennet!) have been extremely busy as of late and I feel terrible that I haven't posted sooner! I've had something going on almost every weekend lately. My birthday last week was such fun and great spending time with friends. Spent the weekend with more girlfriends. I've been in serious need of a vacation, even if it's just having a sleepover an hour away with some wonderful people. Thanks for everything! Seems like lately I've gotten in a rut and a getaway is needed!
More on all that later...

Todays post is on an adventure Jane had recently when my aunt came to visit. We toured Atlanta, visited some shops, visited Maman, and had some delicious food at my favorite, Houston's.

Road trip tunage, newly purchased Adele 21.

My FAV thai steak noodle salad.

We visited Kravet @ ADAC.

SO MANY fabrics. How to choose?!

Jane has developed a taste for mink. Oh la la!

I immediately thought of Pink Girl when I saw this cute fabric from Ralph Lauren!

Pink Girl! It's PINK fans:) Check out:
 Okay, just so you'll have a taste here is the latest photo of Bennet. Personally I like to have space to spread out but I suppose he likes feeling secure. It's his little nest. :)
I hope you have a lovely week. I plan to post again this week. I've got lots to share and I'll have TONS next week as Jane, Maman, and I are going on an adventure.

Have a bright day!
b. girl